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Diposting oleh d3nfx Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

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Analysis:EMU Jobless Up Again In June;Rate Stable,As Expected


June preliminary: 9.9% MNI survey median: 9.9% MNI survey range: 9.8% to 9.9% Previous: 9.9% May, 9.9% Apr, 9.9% Mar, 10.0% Feb, 10.0% Jan, 10.0% Dec PARIS (MNI) – Eurozone unemployment edged higher again in June after an upturn in May, but not enough to impact the jobless rate, which was stable at 9.9% for [...]

EMU DATA: June sa unemployment rate 9.9%; May unrev..


EMU DATA: June sa unemployment rate 9.9%; May unrev 9.9%: Eurostat – EMU June unemployment rate matches MNI median survey fcast – See Mainwire for more details

Euro Zone June unemployment 9.9% unchanged from May


UK Jul CIPS Manufacturing PMI Shows Unexpected Contraction


–UK July CIPS Manufacturing PMI 49.1 Vs 51.4 In June – Markit/Reuters –UK July CIPS Manufacturing Lowest Since May 2009 –UK July CIPS Manufacturing PMI Below Median Forecast Of 50.8 LONDON (MNI) – The UK manufacturing sector experienced a shock contraction in July, according to the Markit/Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply survey. The headline [...]

UK manufacturing PMI 49.1 in July


Down from revised 51.4 in June and some way below median forecast of 51.0. Lowest since June 2009. And I thought things were going so well UPDATE:  Sovereign buyer seen in cable in recent trade.  Not that we’re a lot higher, presently at 1.6412, sterling having taken a heavy hit from the crappy PMI data.

Italy June jobless 8.0%


Down slightly from 8.1% in May and slightly better than median forecast of 8.1%.

Eurozone manufacturing PMI July (final) 50.4


Unchanged from flash read.

French July manufacturing PMI (final) 50.5


Up from flash 50.1, but down from 52.5 in June. German July manufacturing PMI (final) 52.0, fractionally lower from flash 52.1 and down from 54.6 in June.

Italy July manufacturing PMI 50.1


Up marginally from 49.9 in June and stronger than median forecast of 49.0. EUR/USD sits at 1.4395, effectively unchanged on the day.

Spain July manufacturing PMI 45.7


Down from 47.3 in June and weaker than median forecast of 47.0. Lowest since January 2010. Output index falls to 45.0 from 46.5 in June, lowest since June 2009.

FRANCE DATA: July new car registrations down 5.9% in.


FRANCE DATA: July new car registrations down 5.9% y/y in nominal terms, down 1.2% y/y workday-adjusted - Jan-July registrations +0.2 y/y (nominal and workday-adjusted)

Germany’s Schaeuble Stresses Opposition To States Leaving EMU


BERLIN (MNI) – German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble in a newspaper interview published Sunday reiterated his opposition to proposals that highly indebted countries should leave the Eurozone. “The Eurozone would suffer an irreparable loss of faith if a country left the monetary union,” Schaeuble told the German weekly Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (FAS). “I don’t want [...]

IEA’s Shadow MPC votes 5-4 to hike bank rate


Very interesting, but the real MPC is highly likely to leave rates unchanged at this weeks meeting. In fact I’d be amazed if we were to see any movement in UK interest rates through the Summer.

Option expiries for todays 14:00 GMT cut


EUR/USD: 1.4430, 1.4200 USD/JPY: 77.00, 77.20, 78.25, 80.00, 81.00 AUD/USD: 1.1015, 1.0925

Irish manufacturing PMI falls to 48.2 in July


From 49.8 in June. Second month of contraction.

Talk Bank of Korea bought USD/KRW around 1,049


Some of those dollars will no doubt be diversified into euros in the near future.

MNI Survey: Japan Q2 GDP Seen Annualized -2.6% On Export Fall


– See Separate Tables For Details Of Individual Forecasts TOKYO (MNI) – Japan’s gross domestic product in April-June is expected to have posted a third consecutive quarter-on-quarter contraction, down a real 0.7% on quarter, or an annualized 2.6%, according to the median forecast of economists surveyed by Market News International. But the pace of decline [...]

Australia treasurer: US debt agreement important first step, hopes Congress will pass it


US fiscal consolidation needed for Global growth

Eurogroup Source:More Financing For EFSF A Topic:German Press


FRANKFURT (MNI) – Whether the European Financial Stability Facility will need yet more financing to meet the challenges facing it will doubtless become a topic of discussion down the road, the Handelsblatt on Monday reported an unnamed Eurogroup source as having said. The financial daily said that the source from the group of Eurozone finance [...]

It’s not so far-fatched to be worried about France


David Cottie in the WSJ.

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