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Diposting oleh d3nfx Minggu, 27 November 2011

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Merkel, Sarkozy consider bypassing EU Commission to force new euro treaty


Germany and France want to force through a new “euro stability treaty” by the start of new year, according to Germany’s Bild newspaper.

Belgium budget deal clears way to government formation


Some good euro zone news for a change.

Options dwindle for euro zone


Stephen Fidler at the WSJ.

Budget statement to paint a grim picture


Happy Dayz.

OECD figures suggest Britain’s economy will slip back into recession at the start of next year


“The prediction, to be published on Monday, is the first from a respected forecaster to indicate that Britain faces a double-dip recession” (excuse me, second if you don’t mind, my barber as usual was way ahead of the curve)

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